Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hello, it's Thursday afternoon and I'm just getting those last minute items checked off my list before the big day tomorrow. I'm so excited to finally meet this new little one. Our biggest excitement will be the color of hair she will have. We have some votes for blonde and a few for red hair.
My Mom arrives tonight to help us with the kids for the weekend and also to keep the house from falling down while Jared and I are away. I really can't beleive I'm going to have another baby, and that it's number 5. I went Yesterday with a friend to get a Pedicure and the lady doing my feet asked if this was my first baby and of course I smiled and said "No, it's number five." And today I went into Gap to pick up some little socks and a sleeper and the lady asked if this was my first....."No, this is my 5th" I said, "Oh, you just look so young and so good for this to be your fifth." I don't know why I feel so embaressed when people ask me, maybe it's because it's not the norm these days. My sweet teacher from the Parenting class I go to told me - "Kim, God will give you the power to be able to handle these children." I truely beleive that. So - let the good times begin.


Karin said...

Hurray! Good luck, I'm excited for details and PICTURES soon!

Tracie said...

You are going to do just fine with 5. You are a great mom. Just know for the first little while you will have to live a new kind of "normal" As for the hair I think black and tons of it! Like Gracie when she was born. We are so excited to see the new addition
much love